Prevenzione e trattamento di sex offender: lo stato attuale in Italia illustrato dalla Dott.ssa Carla M. Xella
Di seguito è consultabile l’articolo “Italian Criminal Justice System and Sexual Offending: An Overview” scritto dalla Dott.ssa Xella, Presidente dell’Associazione CIPM Lazio, e pubblicato sulla rivista Sexual Offender Treatment [Volume 13 (2018), Issue 1/2].
Abstract: In Italy since 1996, because of new legislation, many things have changed regarding sexual abuse policy and practice; in the main the changes have been twofold increased punativeness towards the preperator and an increased focus on victim protection. Italy’s policy regarding sex offenders, on the contrary, seems to be inspired only by retaliation and not by prevention or rehabilition as there is no risk assessment, no treatment, no follow up in the community. Only in recent years things seem to be slowly changing. Many professionals and private agencies, all over the Country are struggling to change things. Some treatment programs have been implemented an increasing attention to risk assessment is growing, and a net of professionals has been created to share research and practices, even with other Countries.The article aims to give an overlook of the Italian Criminal System, expecially as to concerns sexual abuse, and to present what’s new in this field.
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Di seguito sono consultabili altri due contributi della Dott.ssa Xella relativi al primo convegno nazionale di CoNTRAS-TI, al quale sono intervenuti anche il Dott. Paolo Giulini, il Dott. Andrea Scotti, la Dott.ssa Laura Emiletti del CIPM.
“CoNTRAS-TI aims to share research data and best practices among its members and with members of other similar international associations, to foster collaboration with public institutions, and to promote best practices in sex offender treatment and community reintegration. Last year CoNTRAS-TI and ATSA signed their affiliation and a precious collaboration was established – one that will help Italian professionals keep informed about international research and practice.”
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